Vaporize With The Power of The Force!
The Life Saber from 7th Floor is one of the hottest vaporizers on the market today. The LSV is widely recognized as being one of the most customizable, portable, efficient and effective units around, making it possible to enjoy nearly anytime, anywhere. Built in the USA, crafted from anodized aluminum and utilizing only the highest quality components and materials, 7th Floor ensures that each Life Saber Vaporizer performs to the highest standards.
Compact and lightweight, the Life Saber is simple to operate and much more efficient than other handheld Vaporizers. The Life Saber Vaporizer comes with tri-functionality: it can be used traditionally with the glass transfer wand, or the Vaporizer can be attached to a water pipe with the water pipe attachment. The high quality ceramic heating element can also be used as a butane-free lighter for creating a fresh and aromatic taste. Nearly every component on the LSV is replaceable and easy to install. Each unit comes with a 3-Year Warranty and a padded travel bag to protect the handheld Vaporizer during transit.
"Lukes Vaporizer"
Review by Erica S. on July 6, 2015
"The Life Saber is a great sized vaporizer excellent for use with a water pipe as it can attach directly to add a water filtration system. For a dry vaporizer it works great as well with the glass on glass stem which attaches to the base and operates with a single dial. The product is made of a strong metal material that gives no indication of cheap, it's sturdy and feels almost like a power tool. For cleaning it's easy to unscrew the metal frame that is two parts and pull out the glass piece inside. It plugs into the wall and is really a great vape and works very well when added to a water pipe. "
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