Top Ranking
Discover the Best Vaporizers by Rank
One of the best indicators of vaporizer quality is acclaim. To simplify your search for the best vaporizer, we’ve compiled a list of the most well-received vapes in the industry. Some feature the newest, most advanced vaporization technologies, while others remain classics, withstanding the test of time by sheer vapor quality, precision engineering, and the character of their design.
A Vape for Every Need
As the vaping industry continues to grow, competition among manufacturers has led to major advancements in vaporization technology. Many of these innovative units are featured on our list of top-ranked vaporizers. Developers of the Firefly 2, heralded as the “iPhone of vaporizers,” took time to discover new materials with which to perfect the unit’s innovative convection heating system. Like the Firefly 2, the PAX 2 incorporates “smart” technology, enabling users to manage their vaporization sessions via mobile app. And the Herbalizer desktop vaporizer features a heating system so advanced users can vaporize material at up to 445° with no risk of combustion, a previously unheard of capability. With many new advancements at your fingertips, and more on the horizon, there’s never been a better time to vape.
Finding The Best Vaporizer
Finding the best vaporizer for your needs can be challenging. To make things easier, our five-star user review system gives you insight into our top-ranked vaporizers. Whether you’re seeking the best portable vaporizer, desktop unit, or vape pen, our online warehouse is stocked with a variety of the best-selling vaporizers on the market.